Litter T

            Litter T is the third litter of our standard female Beauty, who was imported from Croatia a few years ago. Beauty is the first standard dachshund in the red brindle colour, who was registered in the Czech studbook. The red brindle offsprings of this female are the first bred standard puppies in the CZ in the brindle colour.
 Beauty has an outstanding exterior, which is proved by her show success. She has absolutely non-conflictional character in our pack. Thanks to her character and excellent hunting talent she is being used in my hunting practice. We have chosen the studdog in Germany in the well known kennel of Andrea Schossland - a red brindle male
  Talismann vom Rehsprung. This studdog has a great success in shows as well as in his hunting practice. Litter T is a repeated litter, from which a few tallented and exterior promising dogs were born. 

 From the mating on 12.3.2020 there were 5 puppies born in the composition of 2 males and 3 females on 15.5.2020. One male and one female are red brindle and the rest of the puppies is red.



